Sorcha Jones Counselling and Psychotherapy Gospel Oak, North West London and across the UK


Counselling, psychotherapy and coaching

Counselling, psychotherapy and coaching

Hello there. Are you looking for someone to talk things through with? Welcome to my page. My name is Sorcha, a fully trained, qualified counsellor and psychotherapist, who can also  incorporate useful coaching approaches.

I provide support for a wide range of concerns and difficulties, including stress, anxiety and depression, to name but a few of the difficulties that make us human. 

I will listen to you carefully and offer you understanding, compassion, down to earth support, in a safe, confidential space. 

Here are some reasons why you might consider seeking counselling and psychotherapy:

Depression, anxiety & stress
When you experience feelings of low mood, depression, or high levels of stress.

Worry, anxiety & panic
When you find yourself worrying excessively, feeling anxious, nervous, or panicky.

Challenge & uncertainty
When you are going through a challenging period, things feel rocky and you really want some stability.

Work difficulties & overwhelm
When your working relationships feel strained, or work becomes overwhelming and tough to manage.

Relationship difficulties and break-ups, family and friendships
Communication brings its challenges. Your relationship- partnership or marriage might be in a fragile state, or even have ended. Perhaps things are difficult with your family or friends. You might have difficulties getting your point across or feeling heard, by co-workers, managers or employers.

Sleep & tiredness
When you struggle to fall asleep or experience sleep difficulties.
When you feel tired and fatigued during the daytime.

Self esteem & feeling bad about who you are
When you harbour negative feelings about yourself.
When your self-esteem is taking a hit.
When you feel ashamed of certain aspects of yourself or your actions.
When you experience body image issues or negative thoughts about your body.

Behaviours that you cannot stop or bother you
When you have concerns about your eating or drinking habits.
If there's a behavior you engage in that you wish to stop but find it challenging (addictive behavior)

Bereavement & loss
When you’ve suffered a painful or complex bereavement, relationships, or other loss.
When you feel lonely, for too long.

Feeling bent out of shape
When everything in your life feels out of place.

ADHD: We have entered a time, where Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is being identified in people, who are very different from the stereotypical image of the school boy charging about, who cannot sit still- or stop talking! Many of the recently diagnosed include adults in their twenties, thirties, forties, fifties and sixties. I have read of people in their seventies being diagnosed, one in their eighties. There is really not age limit to this condition. 

Psychotherapy, counselling, and coaching can be beneficial for all of these situations.
Additionally, if you simply need some head space or someone who will listen without judgment or telling you what to do, I am here to support you.

I'm here to offer you a safe and supportive space as we navigate the challenges you're facing.

As a compassionate psychotherapist and counsellor, I specialize in helping individuals who are experiencing difficulties that may sometimes originate in childhoods of abuse and trauma and result in you suffering from issues including complex post-traumatic stress.

I understand that these experiences can have a profound impact on your well-being, leading to feelings of depression, stress, and anxiety. You may find yourself worrying excessively, feeling anxious, nervous, or even panicky. The weight of it all can make everyday tasks overwhelming and tough to manage. Your personal relationships may be in a fragile state, and your working relationships may feel strained. It's not uncommon to struggle with sleep difficulties, feeling tired and fatigued during the daytime.

At times, you may harbour negative feelings about yourself, and your self-esteem may be taking a hit. You may have concerns about your eating or drinking habits, engaging in behaviours that you wish to stop but find challenging due to their addictive nature. The weight of shame may be present, making you feel ashamed of certain aspects of yourself or your actions. Additionally, body image issues and negative thoughts about your body may further contribute to your emotional distress.

In the midst of all this, it's not uncommon to feel like everything in your life feels out of place.

The prolonged sense of loneliness can take a toll on your well-being, especially when you've suffered a painful or complex bereavement, relationship challenges, or other significant losses.

I want you to know that you don't have to face these struggles alone. Together, we can explore the roots of your pain, process your emotions, and work towards healing and growth.

I am here to provide you with the support and guidance you need on your journey.

Through psychotherapy, we can address the underlying issues that contribute to low mood, depression, and high levels of stress. We will attune to your feelings of anxiety and panic, helping you find a sense of calm and peace. Together, we will navigate overwhelming work situations and explore personal and working relationships for the good.

If sleep is a challenge for you, looking at a more restful routine can improve your sleep quality. We can delve into the factors that affect your self-esteem, which can strengthen your self-image.

Examining the root causes of addictive behaviors can loosen their grip on you, so you can develop choice and get a better sense of freedom. Throughout our sessions, we will foster a non-judgmental space where you can freely express yourself, helping to release feelings of shame or guilt.

You are not alone in this journey. I am here to walk alongside you, offering empathy, understanding, and professional guidance. Together, we can create a path towards healing, self-acceptance, and a renewed sense of well-being. Please remember that seeking therapy is a brave step towards self-care and personal growth. If you're ready to embark on this transformative journey, I encourage you to reach out. Together, we will find the strength and resilience within you to navigate life's challenges and create a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.

I understand that you may have questions or hesitations about counseling and psychotherapy. You might be curious about what we discuss in sessions or how these approaches can help you. Perhaps you have been considering seeing a therapist but felt nervous about asking or have had previous therapy experience and are ready for more. Rest assured, I am here to provide guidance and create a safe space for you to explore your thoughts and feelings.

As an experienced therapist, I am skilled at actively listening and offering support. It's important to remember that seeking help is an act of courage. It is also better than trying to handle everything on your own. Many factors can contribute to the issues mentioned earlier, and I have experience working with various challenges.

Affirming and supporting diversities / minorities:

  • Menopause
  • Adult ADHD
  • Adult ADHD & menopause
  • Sexual relationship diversity, including polyamory or CNM; consensual non-monogamy

 Herpes Simplex Virus

I am also affirming and inclusive regardung gender and sexual diversity. Your conversations with me are confidential, and I aim to provide a down-to-earth and curious approach. I won't judge you or others you may need to talk about.

My goal as your counsellor is to support you in your best interests, which can ultimately benefit others as well.

A little about Adult ADHD
Perhaps you were diagnosed as a child. Or maybe you were diagnosed as an adult. Maybe even, you were diagnosed quite recently and are still coming to terms with what this means to you. You may not have a diagnosis , yet identify with many of the the traits of ADHD.

While ADHD has come into be more recognised, regrettably, due to a lack of awareness, individuals experiencing ADHD symptoms, whether diagnosed or undiagnosed, have yet to receive the celebration and support they deserve for their exceptional management of the condition. Their experiences with counselling and psychotherapy may have been less than optimal.

People who receive a late diagnosis of ADHD have often endured significant criticism over the years, with a subsequent corrosive impact on their self-esteem. It is crucial to recognize that ADHD is a condition that has adverse effects on all aspects of life and should not be underestimated. 

Today, opinions surrounding ADHD in popular culture, proliferate and divide. Ideas about ADHD can get confused with facts, to the detriment to individuals with ADHD symptoms. This widespread misinformation can range from being hurtful to downright damaging. 

ADHD and me- to my initial surprise and later relief, I was identified as having moderate to severe combined ADHD. This diagnosis means symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity were found to be present. So I very approach this issue from a lived experience, insider's perspective. I know what it is like to be considered 'resistant' to therapy, when I got lost on the way, arrived late, or even, not at all. I know what it is like to find it impossible to remember, or to do therapy homework. I'll just add quickly- there is no 'homework' here! Unless you decide you'd like support with something, then I'll back you all the way- but equally, no pressure if you change your mind! 

The approach I offer can benefit everyone, however, if you have a diagnosis of, or suspect you have ADHD, you may need additional, specialised guidance beyond generic counselling and psychotherapy approaches. With ADHD held compassionately in mind, my approach integrates useful, practical therapies and systems. My approach aims to provide comprehensive support tailored to your unique needs relating to ADHD, to help you navigate your challenges effectively.

Rather than the sort of cognitive behavioural therapy provided in the NHS, I select a deeper form of CBT called  Transactional Analysis (T.A.). This system seeks to understand what is behind behaviours in yourself and others, that may have baffled you. I like to help you communicate your thoughts and feelings in ways that can help you communicate safely, more effectively and likely to cause less conflict, that others can find easier to hear. For this I coach a method called Non-Violent Communication (NVC) and another similar one. Strength-based therapy helps you to build on the many things you are doing well already. I use findings from neuroscience to explain the function of feelings, their usefulness and why they sometimes feel at odds with one another. My approach aims to provide comprehensive support tailored to your unique needs relating to ADHD, to help you navigate your challenges effectively.

There are links to some of the approaches on the FAQs page.
Here are some brief details.

Transactional Analysis:
T.A. is a depth cognitive behavioural therapy that considers the past and offers explanations to understand how people work. Offering frameworks to understand relational dynamics can help us to positively develop our relationships in all areas of life including romantic, family, friends and work.

Non-Violent Communication:

  • We can work on your ability to talk so people can listen and you can listen, so people will talk respectfully to you.
  • Pioneered by Marshall Rosenberg, N.V.C. is a gentle yet assertive approach to conflict resolution, emphasizing relationship-building.

 We can use some of his ideas and others picked up over time, to enhance your assertiveness.

Strength-Based Therapy:
In the context of ADHD, we value and recognize your existing strengths, unique skills, and strategies for managing your symptoms. You have developed creative ways to navigate challenges in areas like organization, work, and relationships. In a strength-based therapeutic approach, we prioritize and celebrate your notable successes, strengths, and positive experiences. This focus counters the erosion of self-esteem caused by societal misconceptions about ADHD. It becomes a way forward, helping us identify how you learn and operate best, which can be applied to other areas of your life where support may be needed. By building on your strengths and experiences, we establish a foundation for growth, resilience, and personal development. Together, we will explore your potential and find ways to work harmoniously with your unique neurodiversity.

Affective Neuroscience:
Conceived and introduced to us by the esteemed neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp, learnings from affective neuroscience have revolutionized our comprehension of the profound impact our emotions hold. Panksepp's pioneering research findings have expanded the boundaries of our understanding, offering invaluable insights into the significance of our feelings. By incorporating his work into the realm of psychotherapy, we unlock a treasure trove of knowledge, facilitating personal growth. When we attune ourselves to our senses, we gain insight into how our emotions serve as gateways to uncovering fundamental unmet needs. Additionally, we may come to realize that certain instincts within us can be conflicting, leading to confusion and interpersonal discord. Through understanding our instincts, we foster self-compassion, acceptance of our less desirable and painful emotions, and ultimately gain a greater sense of agency in determining our next steps.

A bit more about ADHD:
If you have ADHD, you may know this already-

I’d still like to highlight the connection between ADHD and other conditions that you may be facing, such as anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, and executive functioning deficits.
 Firstly, I want to acknowledge that you are not alone in facing these challenges. Many individuals with ADHD find themselves grappling with additional conditions that can complicate their daily lives. Understanding these connections is crucial for developing a holistic approach to your well-being.

 Let's explore some of these conditions and how they intersect with ADHD:

Anxiety and panic:
It's not uncommon to experience feelings of restlessness, worrying, and difficulty concentrating alongside ADHD. These symptoms can be overwhelming. We will address them as part of the impact of ADHD on your emotional well-being.

Low mood, tiredness, and a lack of motivation often co-occur with ADHD. It's essential to recognize the relationship between ADHD and depression, as they can influence each other.

Learning disabilities:

Dyslexia and other learning disorders are frequently associated with ADHD. These challenges can affect your academic and work performance, leading to frustration and self-doubt. Together, we will explore your unique learning style and needs, so you can build on ways that work best for you.

Executive functioning deficits:
Let's shift our perspective on executive functioning deficits. It's important to acknowledge that you already possess valuable skills and strengths, even if you struggle with certain aspects due to ADHD. We will build upon these existing strengths and explore creative ways to enhance skills such as organization, planning, and impulse control. By focusing on your strengths, we can support your ability to stay organized, manage time effectively, and make decisions that align with your goals.

Rejection and Sensitive Dysphoria:

Experiencing rejection can trigger intense emotional responses, particularly for individuals with Sensitive Dysphoria. I want you to know that your sensitivity is not a flaw, but rather a unique aspect of who you are. While it can present challenges, it also allows for remarkable empathy, creativity, and deep connections with others. In our work together, we will explore the impact of rejection and Sensitive Dysphoria on your life. We will cultivate self-compassion, manage emotional intensity, and develop a positive self-image.

Emotional Dysregulation:

This refers to difficulties in managing and navigating emotions, leading to intense and rapidly changing emotional experiences. I understand that this struggle may impact various areas of your life. In therapy, you don't have to manage your feelings alone. By providing a safe and compassionate space, I will support you through the process of exploring the underlying factors contributing to emotional dysregulation. This process can foster self-compassion and enhance your resilience outside the therapy room.

It's important to approach ADHD and co-occurring conditions from a holistic perspective. This may involve a combination of medication, therapy, skill development, life adjustments, and a supportive network. Together, we will consider all aspects of your well-being to pave the way for the life you desire.


I value the input and advice from other healthcare providers, educators, doctors, and specialists you may have. By integrating their support and advice, we can ensure a comprehensive and cohesive approach to your care.


I want you to know that your journey is unique, but you are not alone. I am here to walk alongside you, offering understanding, support, and guidance. Your experiences are valid, and together, we will work towards positive change and create a life that aligns with your strengths and aspirations.

Together, we will embark on this transformative journey towards a life that reflects your strengths and aspirations.

You are not alone, and I am here to offer my support every step of the way.

 When you're ready, reach out to me. You deserve support, understanding, and a brighter future.
 I will be honoured to walk with you on your path to healing.
If you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to ask.

I offer psychotherapy, counselling, and therapeutic coaching services convenient for various locations in North West London including Gospel Oak, South-End Green, Belsize Park, Hampstead, Dartmouth Park, Primrose Hill, Kentish Town, Camden, (NW3, NW5, NW8, NW1, N1, N7)
 and, or online. 

I offer psychotherapy, counselling, and therapeutic coaching services for North West London, including Gospel Oak, South-End Green, Belsize Park, Hampstead, Dartmouth Park, Primrose Hill, Kentish Town, Camden, (NW3, NW5, NW8, NW1, N1, N7)
. I can also offer online sessions. 


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